Getting Access

Learner Accounts

  • MSU Employee

    Use MSU NetID / password to log in to Ability.

    Once your job assignment is active in MSU HR, your Ability account will automatically created through an HR feed.

    If your NetID is active but your Ability account is not yet created, you can log in to Ability with your active NetID to create your account.

    Do not use a Guest ID while waiting for your NetID to be activated. This will result in multiple Ability accounts for the same user, and create issues the user will be responsible for resolving (issues with interfaces to other systems, supervisors not having access to their employees’ training records, etc.).

    Faculty may be able to get the activation process expedited. See

  • MSU Student

    Use MSU NetID / password to log in to Ability.

    Once you are enrolled in classes, your Ability account will automatically created through a Campus Solutions feed.

    If your NetID is active but your account is not yet created, you can log in to Ability with your active NetID to create your account.

    Do not use a Guest ID while waiting for your NetID to be activated. This will result in multiple Ability accounts for the same user, and create issues the user will be responsible for resolving (issues with interfaces to other systems, program admins not having access to their students’ training records, etc.).

  • Henry Ford Researcher issued MSU job title and NetID

    Use MSU NetID / password to log in to Ability. Access will be the same as that listed under MSU Employee.

  • Provider / Affiliate with Department-Sponsored FPID

    Use FPID / password to log in to Ability.

    FPID accounts are not created in Ability automatically; you must log in to Ability to create the account.

    Please email to be added to your supervisor’s training team. Include the FPID, first name, and last name and the NetID of the MSU supervisor (typically who would be responsible for monitoring your training).

    Do not use a Guest ID while waiting for your FPID to be activated. This will result in multiple Ability accounts for the same user. For providers, this will block access to Athena.

  • Guest (e.g. field instructors, volunteers, performers, contractors)

    Guest ID accounts are intended for personnel meeting the following criteria:

    • not scheduled to become an MSU employee
    • not scheduled to become an MSU student
    • not being issued an MSU-sponsored FPID account
    • are required to complete MSU safety/compliance training for their role at MSU

    Create a GuestID at Once the account has been created, log into Ability at with your full email address and the password you have set

    Email to add an MSU Guest ID account to a supervisor's team list. Include the email, first name, and last name and the NetID of the MSU supervisor (typically who would be responsible for monitoring your training).

    GuestID access is not for the general public. The software license is limited to users with a legitimate business need to complete MSU training.

    Note for researchers: If you also need access to the Click Research Compliance System to create or edit a research project application, see Click Access before creating an account.

  • Offline Guest

    Ocassionally, MSU training must be documented for users who do not have email and will never log in to Ability. Contact

    A small number of users have Ability Guest IDs created between December 2018 and May 2019. Log in at: Ability Guest ID Login (including password reset link)

See System Interfaces & Schedules for more information on when accounts are created and inactivated. Inactive accounts are not included in Monday Manager reports, or Manager people lists, nor typically in other compliance reports. Inactive users do not get training reminders.

Administrator Access

  • Unit Compliance Admin, PI Proxy

    Ability LMS users can be granted access to monitor training for any group defined in the system

    • Employees in a specified supervisor/principal investigator’s team
    • Employees in a specified department or with a specific job title
    • Students in a specified academic program

    Email to request additional access. In your request, include the group you need to view (e.g. department code, college, business unit, supervisor team...) and the type of training subjects you oversee. If requesting access to view a specified supervisor’s team, copy the supervisor on the request.

  • Trainers, Program Owners

    New trainers working within programs already established in Ability: Email, including the name of the program(s) you instruct. 

    Hosting requests for new programs: see New Training Requests

Assistance Logging In?

Contact the Ability Helpdesk at You may be directed to contact the MSU Identity Office or to reset your NetID to resolve problems with your account.