Proposal Planning

You can assist the Ability team in meeting your needs by being prepared in advance with documentation of your study of the performance problem or other training need you are trying to solve, including clarity of the audience you must reach. 

Problem Analysis 

Investigate through consultations with regulators, observation, data analysis and conversations with Ability team on possible solutions. All performance problems should be analyzed for root-causes as training may not be the right solution and is usually only a partial solution. Assess the performance problem before assuming new training is required.

  • Problem Documentation & Analysis

     Training Needs Analysis (Training Needs Assessment Inventory)

    • Before assuming the problem is solely a training issue (can be solved with training), the performance gap is documented and analyzed to determine the causes and extent of the problem. What do we know about the problem? How often is it seen, amongst what percentage of the people…? 
    • What are the best ways to address the performance gap (periodic email reminders, posters, refresher training schedule, redesign of existing training to better communicate the correct behavior, to provide additional practice, better assessment and feedback, additional coaching and feedback, make reference/resources available…)
    • What are the cost-to-benefit ratio for various solutions (which solution gives best return-on-investment)? Are there additional resources available for better solutions or projects that can be dropped to make this solution?
    • Consider solutions and resources available for communicating to your audience outside of formal courses (website, bulk email, postcards/flyers, posters)

Begin with the End in Mind

Some requests do not rise to the project proposal level. Other groups find they have large-scale requirements. We encourage you to enlist a curriculum development specialist who can look at your training needs holistically. Subject expertise can only take a training program so far. There are often efficiencies available by designing your training programs in more modular forms and with attention to scaffolding content into a sequence of competency development steps.

  • Training Data Applications

    Training Data Migration

    Your program may benefit from bringing in legacy completion records. IF you can export your past training records, we can assist you in formatting them for import into the Ability system. Some discussion is needed on how to place those records in the context of your future program. For example, will past training be considered equivalent to any new course, and if so, for how long? 

    System Integrations

    Sometimes groups want to display or use training records from the Ability system in another applicaiton. This is possible. We ask for details in advance to coordinate set-up and to ensure accuracy between systems. 

    Examples include RCR training displays in the SISCS Grad Plan and RVSM training hold for student views of their grades or FERPA training hold for access to student systems (sample agreement template.docx

Initial Training Proposal

See also: