About ORRS
The Office of Research Regulatory Support (ORRS) is under the Vice President for Research and Innovation and includes: Animal Care Programs (CAR/IACUC), Conflict Disclosures and Management (CDM), Export Controls and Trade Sanctions (ECTS), Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), Human Research Protection Program (HRPP), Stem Cell Research and its own administrative and technical staff. ORRS top level organization chart (PDF).
ORRS is available to support faculty, students, and staff with their research regulatory needs so that they can conduct activities that are safe, legal, and fair.
Our mission is to:
- promote the responsible conduct of research,
- assure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations, and university policies,
- protect the rights and welfare of research subjects,
- protect public health and safety,
- assure the objectivity and integrity of research.
"Protection of a research environment for free and unfettered pursuit of knowledge is an important University responsibility. Infringement on this freedom must be restricted to those factors which are clearly essential to the protection of individuals and the public at large."- Michigan State University Faculty Handbook