
Keep updated on other MSU regulatory concerns by following @MSU_ORRS.

Click Animal Operations (AOPS) to Replace CARLOS

February 28, 2024 - M. Durkee

Click Animal Operations (AOPS) Application to replace CARLOS in spring 2024.

New Faces in CAR and CDM

New Faces in CAR and CDM

August 27, 2023 - Sherry Storey

Two key positions have recently been filled in Campus Animal Resources and Conflict Disclosure Management....

August Click System Upgrade, Outage

July 12, 2023 - Dr. Laura McCabe

I’m excited to inform you of planned upgrades this summer to the Click system that will improve the researcher experience and efficiency of processes surrounding the lifecycle of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Protocols and Safety submissions. The upgrades require some system downtime. Please be aware of the following outage times and plan accordingly for your research submissions.

ORA Changes to ORRS

February 22, 2022 - Dr. Laura McCabe, Assistant Vice President for Research Regulatory Support

We are excited to announce that starting today the name of Office of Regulatory Affairs will be changing to the Office of Research Regulatory Support, ORRS.

Training Programming Updates

Training Programming Updates

September 28, 2020

There are some time-sensitive items that trainers, compliance staff, and learners and managers should be aware such as possible outages due to maintenance of MSU's login system, Zoom security requirements, and compliance training development resources....

Ability System Updates for Trainers & Compliance

Ability System Updates for Trainers & Compliance

August 21, 2019

There have been several upgrades to Ability system recently: student accounts are being activated under a different formula, the Master Schedule event creation is upgraded...

New Animal Handling Courses

New Animal Handling Courses

June 6, 2018

New courses available! Mouse & rat handling and restraint, conducting helath assessments, giving injections, seeking vet care...

Click System Use Expanding

Click System Use Expanding

May 2, 2018

MSU's new Click compliance software has now been implemented for IACUC and IRB project applications and will soon offer additional features for safety.