If there is a legitimate business need, ORRS can provide access to training records for larger groups of users. Some of the trade-offs are listed below.
Ability LMS allows users to print individual certificates of completion for training provided at MSU or a full transcript of all courses (which include imported records of AVMA and CITI completions). You can request your students email or print these for you.
Based on a data point (e.g. manager, department code, academic major, job title), reports can be sent periodically. You will need to work with the training support desk to determine the type of report that fits your need.
Manager/supervisors may request another user be given access to their existing subordinate list to assist with assignment and tracking of training for the supervisor.
A user such can serve as a proxy to a unit head or for several PIs at once. In those cases, the training helpdesk can assist with filtering reports to focus on specific manager teams.
FlexiGroups are lists of users based on a data point(s) such as academic major code, department, manager, job title...).
The Office of Research Regulatory Support has limited resources for creating and maintaining large team lists. Instead, we recommend creating a Flexigroup that automatically updates. For example, if someone leaves MSU, they are automatically dropped from your group. As students are accepted into a major, they are added to the group.
Further, we can assist in automating the assignment of required training (tracks) using Flexigroups.
If your unit requires large data sets to update other enterprise software system, you may request access to LMS data in the Enterprise Data Warehouse. See Getting Access